Organization Overview
TimeOut4Africa assists the Minna community in building partnerships with families, schools, and volunteers to help underprivileged children reach academic and athletic success.
By providing school supplies and hosting basketball clinics and tournaments, children are encouraged to become model citizens and stay in school. Promoting a positive recreational outlet provides a platform which encourages youth to take charge of their future and become positive contributing members of society.
What Is The Problem?
The problem is youth in Northern Nigeria lack basic school supplies and recreational facilities to play sports. Consequently, many of these children are uninspired and lack motivation to stay in and school and reach higher goals.
How Does TimeOut4Africa Help Solve This Problem?
By providing these youths with school supplies, basketball and life skills, we provide a platform for them to become model citizens. Through our program, children learn that education and team sports can help their social attitudes towards working together for the betterment of both themselves and their communities.
Education coupled with the sport of basketball promotes collaboration, teamwork and critical thinking – all skills needed for 21st century success.
Potential Long Term Impact
Our program is designed to provide school supplies, basketball, and life skills to over 500 youth throughout the year. Participation in this program provides students with the skills needed to become model citizens. They learn they can make a positive impact on their communities.
Additionally, the program helps build positive relationships amongst parents, communities & schools. The program also exposes kids to academic institutions with the possibility of earning academic or sports scholarships.