Supporting our program with donations

Thank you again to everyone that has contributed shoes, basketball and other items to our projects in Nigeria. We really appreciate it.

Quality shoes have always been a problem for  our students athletes, all games are played on outdoor basketball courts and those conditions are not the best for cheap shoes. We are excited we've embarked on this shoe collection and distribution project. Since our work and shoe distribution was featured on National  Television during the NCAA basketball tournament in March 2021, we've been so lucky to have everyone reaching out to help. Some months ago over 5000 pairs of shoes where collected at a basketball game in Utah, USA. BYU university global suppy chain in conjunction with the university basketball program arranged, collected and shipped the shoes to Nigeria. The shoes have arrived in Nigeria and are being distributed to school kids all over Nigeria. The #sneakers4Africa project has been such a blessing for everyone, both the organization and the entire community.

Thank you very much to all our donors for the continued support of all our projects. We really appreciate it. We promise to keep everyone informed about all our progress. Please don't forget to follow us on social media @Timeout4africa foundation on Facebook and Timeout4Africa_foundation_ on Instagram.
Thank you very much and God Bless.


A visit to the city water processing facility


A visit and shoe distribution at FGC Minna